Wednesday, August 29, 2012

0 Day 5. Chores! Juice! Less Swelling on Right..

Today is the first day where I felt  good enough to perform activities. Even though I've been trying to keep up some walking and pacing, it's finally starting to feel less like a burden.

Which is actually perfect timing, since the fruit and vegetable juices that my mom, sis, and Paul had prepared for me my first day home have just about run out. So, I decided to do some juicing this afternoon.

Being on a liquid diet, these are really my main source of nutrients supplemented by nutrition shakes, which are quickly getting distasteful.

I made two different types of juices; red, and green.

Red juice: Watermelon, kiwis, cantelopoe.

day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery watermelon kiwi juice prep

Green Juice: Cucumber, Celery, Kale, Apples, Ginger, Lemon.
day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery green juice prep

It's like making superfood, but so much better!

 I used a Black and Decker juicer that I had bought a week prior to the surgery on DealGenius. The timing could not have been better--had been looking for a discount Juicer for a while. This one was only $30 with free shipping.

day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery juicing

And the final results: Delicious, nutritious, liquid.
day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery watermelon kiwi juice

day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery green juice

And of course, it's important to sanitize my feeding syringes after every use. 2 minutes of fill and soak with iodine solution should be plenty. I knew my beer brewing and wine making supplies would be useful in other applications.
day 5 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery syringe sanitation

My face is still big, and interestingly I feel the swelling on the right side is dissipating faster than the left. This is resulting in a rather unbalanced look, and more sensation (less numbness) on my right side as well, but, as long as the swelling is improving, things are going good.

I can also feel my lower jaw resting more and more into place as the swelling subsides, and the bite itself is getting  more comfortable. A very welcome observation, since the whole point of the surgery was to fix the bite.


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