Having my face traced is a fascinating procedure. They have this contraption that they put over your head, supported in your ear, with alignmnts to your nose bridge, chin, and mouth.
I had to sit upright and stay very very still as the technician calibrated the device.
In order to properly mount my dental impressions to the rest of my face model, I had to bite into a piece of softened wax which acts as a template so they new how to align my dental impressions to mimic my actual teeth positions.
This involves using a torch to soften some wax.
My technician was having difficulting turning on the torch today and so, once she got it running, she left it running on the counter....
....facing the cardboard box that contains my dental impressions.
Luckily, we smelled it smoking before any flames started.
Next obstacle: Obtain financing.
Friday, August 17, 2012
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