Sunday, September 16, 2012

0 Day 22 - 23. Starting up an exercise routine.

I started going to the gym early morning the past 2 days for some long treadmill walks, and short light-resistance elliptical sessions. Typically I've been doing 15 minutes of the elliptical, followed by 30 - 40 minutes of walking.

It's a lot less stressful on the treadmill without other people rushing about; the 1.5 blocks walk to the gym is the worst part, even then, it's not so bad in the early mornings.

I look almost completely normal at this point except for the lips and surrounding area, as usual. I'd like to think the gym sessions have significantly helped reduce the swelling with the higher blood flow.

I'm getting pretty tired of being a recovering patient... So I decided to be a play-surgeon this weekend on the Wii. We were glad to have all my medical supplies on the coffee table for backup.

Day 22 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery


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