Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 Day 32. Video Update! And using a kid's toothbrush

Being able to open my jaws a fingers width apart is still not sufficient to pass an adult-sized toothbrush through to brush the back of my teeth. So, I decided to get a kids toothbrush, and it worked like I charm. Though maneuvering the toothbrush in a brushing motion through a limited gap still isn't easy, just doable.

At least I chose one of the best of childhood memories: Winnie the Poo!

Day 32 post double jaw (orthognathic) surgery using a kid's toothbrush

I'm starting to talk a lot more with the splint removed. The best part is, I am understandable. However, there are definitely still areas of my face that refuse to cooperate with speech causing my facial muscles to move lopsided. Instead of trying to describe it using words, here's a video update to demonstrate first hand what I mean. 

Yes, I still need that haircut; it's been 6 weeks and counting.


  1. Hooray for Winnie the Pooh!

  2. I still believe in taking advantage of this opportunity to fully convert to Disney...


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